Upcoming Events ABSICON 2024 | Date : 02 to 04 August,2024 | Venue : Holiday Inn, Lucknow | VOTE NOW | Online e-Voting will commence at 9 AM on 10th July 2024 and will end at 5 pm on 19th July 2024 | International Surgical Week ISW 2024,from 25-29th August 2024 in Kuala Lumpur
11th Annual Conference 28th to 30th July 2023 Hotel Narayani Heights, Ahmedabad
12 - 14th August 2022 Marriot Convention Centre, Hyderabad
16th-17thFebruary,2024 @ JIPMER Puducherry
ASI Best section award 2023
consecutively for 3rd year
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Upcoming Events

Mission Statement

It would be committed to improve the art & science of Breast surgery by serving as an advocate for surgeons who seek excellence in the care of patients with breast disease. 


To promote the art & science of Breast disease in the Indian Subcontinent

It is an honour and a privilege to be a founding member of ABSI and taking over as its president. I, along with my new team of executive committee members,  would like to thank all my distinguished predecessors for making ABSI a vibrant and dynamic surgical society. Within a short span of 10 years, ABSI could make a significant impact on breast health care in India, and its contributions to improve patient care, research and training are globally well recognized . These glorious accomplishments  were  possible because of the passion and commitment shown by ABSI leadership and members of the society.

We should steadfastly pursue our goals to raise the standards of care for women with breast diseases in India and join the fight against “Breast Cancer”, the most common cancer among Indian women . My endeavour is to create a platform that provides abundant opportunities to learn, to teach and mentor budding breast surgeons .  We would like to engage and involve all stake holders in breast cancer care and foster a culture of collaboration and networking for better outcomes.

One of the main pillars of any scientific society is its academic accomplishments, and we should focus on implementing standard treatment protocols at national level, quality data collection, collaborative  research , clinical trials and high quality publications.

India, after its 75 years of independence, is at a critical juncture and has the potential to take-up leadership roles in many fields, including health care. There are plenty of challenges and opportunities, and ABSI should play a pivotal role in transforming breast health care at a national and an international level.

Finally, I look forward to your support, suggestions and guidance in achieving our society’s goals .



Head, Department of Surgical Oncology
National Cancer Institute (NCI) & BRAIR – Cancer Hospital 
All India Institute of Medical SciencesNew Delhi-110029


Glimpses from ABSICON 2023

Some moments from our 10th Annual Conference ABSICON 2023


Glimpses from our past event

Some moments from our 10th Annual Conference ABSICON 2022

ABSI won the best section award by ASI in the year 2022

Upcoming Events

ABSI Midterm Conference 2023
18th & 19th March 2023 at Patna

7th World Congress on Controversies in Breast Cancer (CoBrCa)

Dubai, UAE, September 7-9, 2023

Breast Awareness CME

Virtual Event from 27.02.23 to 01.03.23


Meet Our President And Secretary

Dr Rohit Kumar
Dr.Rohit Kumar C


Consultant Surgical Oncologist
Aster International Institute of Oncology
Aster Hospitals ,Bangalore 

Recent Activities

BREAST CANCER AWARENESS Under the banner of ABSI for the month of October 2022

ABSI section ASICON Vishakapatnam 2023